You Will Need:
- 2 tin cans of the same size, and any labels removed - A long length of string - Metal skewer or small sharp knife Step 1: Using the skewer or knife, CAREFULLY poke a small hole into the center of the bottom of each of the tin cans (Note: we highly recommend a parent does this part) Step 2: Thread the string through the hole in one of the cans, and tie a knot so that it doesn't slip out. Thread the other end of the string through the other can and again tie a knot Step 3: To use the telephone, have two children hold the cans and walk away from each other, as far as the string will allow. To listen, hold the can to your ear while the person on the other end speaks into their can Note: For best clarity, the string must be as tight as possible For more information, and to get a child-friendly explanation of how this experiment works, see: Comments are closed.
April 2019