You Will Need:
- 1 apple, cut into 4 even pieces - 4 small containers or jars - 1 tablespoon of lemon juice - 1 tablespoon of vinegar - 1 tablespoon of salt that has been dissolved in hot water Step 1: Place each of the 4 apple pieces into it's own container Step 2: Add the lemon juice to 1 of the 4 containers Step 3: Add the vinegar to 1 of the remaining 3 containers Step 4: Add the salt to 1 of the remaining 2 containers Step 5: Leave the last container as is Step 6: Using the masking tap, label each container according to which ingredient has been added Step 7: Leave alone for 1 week in a cool area, such as the basement Step 8: Observe the different stages of each decay for each apple! For more information, see: Comments are closed.
April 2019