You Will Need:
- 1 cup of water - 2 cups of sugar - 1 glass jar (the taller the better) - 1 pot - 1 wooden skewer stick - 1 clothespin Step 1: Hold the wooden skewer stick in the jar so that it is about an inch above the bottom of the bar Step 2: Use the clothespin to secure the skewer where you are holding it Step 3: Remove the clothespin-clamped skewer and set aside Step 4: In the pot, bring the water to a boil Step 5: Add 1/4 cup of the sugar to the boiling water, and stir until it all dissolves Step 6: Keep adding the sugar in 1/4 cup increments until the sugar will no longer dissolve Step 7: Once the sugar will no longer dissolve, remove the pot from the heat and let cool for 20 minutes Step 8: Once cool, poor the solution into the jar Step 9: Place the clothespin-clamped skewer back into the jar Step 10: Set the jar aside for 3-7 days, and watch the sugar crystals grow! Step 11: Enjoy your delicious candy! For more information, see: Comments are closed.
April 2019