![]() This month's activity shows kids how a lava lamp can be made form simple household ingredients! Give it a try! You Will Need:
- 1 empty plastic water bottle (and it's better if you take the label off too!) - Vegetable oil - Food colouring (use whatever colours you like best!) - Effervescent tablet (the larger the better) - Water Step 1: Fill the bottle with vegetable oil 3/4 of the way to the top. Step 2: Add water to fill the remainder of the bottle. Step 3: Add the food colouring, about 10 drops or until you are satisfied with the colour. Step 4: Cut the effervescent tablet into 8 even pieces. Step 5: Drop one piece into the bottle so that the mixture begins to bubble. Step 6: Once the bubbling has stopped, add another piece. Continue adding pieces until they have all been added. Step 7: Tightly screw on the bottle lid. Gently tilt the bottle back and forth to see the lava-like mixture! Bonus: If you want, shine a flash light under the bottle to see what the added light does! For more information, see: http://www.education.com/activity/article/Make_Homemade_Lava_Lamp/ Comments are closed.
April 2019